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Fran Lewbel is a seasoned Counselor in Consciousness who specializes in helping people reach a state of awareness or self-realization. She focuses on motivating and inspiring individuals to discover their unique strengths and abilities. Fran holds a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica (USM). Her commitment to personal growth and transformation began with her own journey, and she now shares her skills and insights with others throughout her community. 

In 2015, Fran discovered The Freedom to Choose Project (FTC) during her community service project at USM. She immediately recognized the organization’s potential to help individuals transform their lives and create positive change. Since then, she has facilitated FTC workshops at the California Men’s Colony (CMC) and in the corporate world, promoting awareness and educating on listening skills, perception checking, and feedback. Her workshops “On Communication” and “Becoming Your Own Peacekeeper” have received excellent feedback and are still held to this day. Fran also offers workshops that assist and support individuals in connecting with what is truly important within themselves.


That first weekend was a reminder that none of us should be defined by our worst moment or any moment. All our moments create new opportunities for learning and healing.That weekend and every weekend since has been an opportunity for growth and reflection. It’s all in service to humanity. One person grows, we all grow.”

– Fran Lewbel

In addition to her work with FTC, Fran is a White Lotus trained and certified yoga instructor, and since 2014, she has volunteered at the Ubumwe Community Center in Rwanda, contributing her skills and compassion to the community’s well-being. Fran’s journey has been one of self-discovery and growth, and she is passionate about helping others find their own path to healing and transformation. 

Fran’s reflection on her first experience with The Freedom to Choose Project highlights her passion for transformative work: “What I experienced was gratitude felt experientially. That first weekend was a reminder that none of us should be defined by our worst moment or any moment. All our moments create new opportunities for learning and healing. That weekend and every weekend since has been an opportunity for growth and reflection. It’s all in service to humanity. One person grows, we all grow.” Fran’s dedication to personal growth, inclusion, and social impact make her a valuable member of The Freedom to Choose Project’s team, and we are proud to have her shine her light with ours.

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