Pathways to Freedom Large Workshop
The Pathways to Freedom workshop teaches communication skills, relationship skills, and also works at the emotional level, offering a specific skill set to heal the underpinnings of anger, thus preventing conflict. These skills also support people in healing the causes of addictive behaviors and are congruent with the 12-step model. Emphasis is placed on forgiveness as a foundational life skill.
The 2-3-day workshops can serve up to 250 incarcerated individuals. The large format offers benefits to the participants in terms of experiential learning, while at the same time affording obvious economies of scale. It is offered in English with simultaneous Spanish translation. FTC has been providing workshops within the California prison system for 12+ years.
Inmate Mentor Leadership (ILTAG) – Long Term Program
Inmate Mentor Leadership Groups (aka ILTAG) are weekly classes where participants integrate and grow their skills in-between the large workshops.
ILTAG is a prison term for Inmate Leisure Time Activity Group. These classes are led by incarcerated individuals using FTC curriculum and supported by FTC volunteers.
Youthful Offender Program (YOP) – Long Term Program
The YOP program pairs newly incarcerated 18-22-year-olds with older men who serve as positive role models. These role models are trained by FTC to mentor these young adults to successfully re-enter society.