Thursday, March 13, 2025
6:30pm-8:30pm (PT)
Register Now!
Online via Zoom
The Freedom to Choose Project (FTC) has been providing programs that have been described as “Healing,” “Powerful,” “Life-Changing,” “Programs that bring peace to the world…”
But what actually happens at a Freedom to Choose Event? And how are these events having so much impact in-prison, with volunteers, and in the community at large?
Come and experience this introductory Freedom to Choose event to find out!
This evening is open to all and will offer a firsthand experience of the work that we offer in-prison and in the community. We’ll be working with a selected tool/exercise in groups of three, called ‘trios.’
You’ll have the opportunity to reflect and gain insight into what’s present in your life, and create space for others as they explore and share what’s surfacing for them. Trio work is very powerful and the primary format of our in-prison programs.
We also welcome our seasoned volunteers to this evening. Come and experience the depth and beauty of this community. We are so grateful for your support, wisdom, and your service as an anchor for these trios. This evening is a great opportunity to share FTC and the trio experience with your friends and families.
We look forward to coming together digitally as a community to continue our commitment to healing and growing both as individuals and collectively.
We’ll see you there!
Date: Thursday, March 13, 2025
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm PT
Tuition: None. Free!
Prerequisites: None. This event is open to all.
Registration: Required. Viewing Instructions will be sent upon registration.