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Deep Gratitude


It has been such a blessing to serve with this community, expound on friendships that began inside, and create new ones that began out here over the past four years.

I used to spend day after day, from sun up to sun down, hoping for the opportunity to step free from confinement and into limitless opportunities while honoring God and my family and giving back to my community. I am beyond grateful for the role The Freedom to Choose Project (FTC) and our community have had in my journey while attempting to earn my freedom and when I stepped into it. 

Before coming home, one of my friends asked me, “Are you going to continue counseling or jump into a different career?” I remember telling him, “I don’t know, but whatever it is, I’m going to be good at it.”

Needless to say, two weeks after my release, I was hired by FTC. I don’t think any of us knew how many doors would open at the time. Having the opportunity to aid in the development of curriculum still in circulation to this day is something that I will always take with me.

There’s no easy way to say this, but this season as a full-time employee has come to an end. With that said, this definitely isn’t a goodbye, it’s more of an “I’ll see you around.” Serving others and building a community of hope, opportunity, and support is part of who I am and I can own that statement today.

I express deep and heartfelt gratitude for FTC, this community, and everyone who has been part of this journey.

God Bless, and I’ll see you around.

Eric Rodriguez



  • Prema says:

    For Eric, thank you for all you’ve accomplished in all your years in the FTC-sphere. I have enjoyed being on the zoom trios with you and then last year meeting you in person at VSP. I wish you much success and fulfillment, and a happy, healthy life. With best wishes. Prema

  • Dena says:

    Dear Eric,

    Congratulations on your new journey! I’ve enjoyed learning from and serving with you these past several years. Whatever is next for you I wish you the very best and, of course, no doubt that you’ll be good at that, too! Light ahead, my friend! Love, Dena

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